A wide range of active tourism
Active tourism
If you like the mountains and outdoor activities, the municipality of Boñar has a wide variety of active tourism and adventure activities. Don’t miss it and enjoy it the way you want…
Boñar offers you nature in its purest state, adventure sports and its famous mountain routes. Boñar has a diverse offer and many possibilities to enjoy throughout the year. Enjoying our landscapes through photography is another of the many options that make this place a suggestive destination for any person and time of the year.
Enjoy it all year round!
Active tourism companies in Boñar
Adventure sports full of action, fun and adrenaline…
Puente Viejo Youth Camp
“Serving its citizens is the main purposeof the Community of Castilla y León”
With the aim of achieving citizen satisfaction, the Junta de Castilla y León is committed to improving the quality of the public services it provides, with the collaboration of all public employees.
Within the framework of the Quality Plan of the Community of Castilla y León, the Junta de Castilla y León, through the Directorate General of Youth, has established its Charter of Services for the Network of Youth Facilities containing the specific commitments it assumes before the citizens.
El Soto. 24850.Boñar (León)
Contact telephone numbers:
+34 987 735 285
Youth Section:
+34 987 296 409
Fax: 987 296 054

Camps are outdoor facilities whereaccommodation is generally provided by tentsor other similar portable elements, and areequipped with basic fixed elements, dulyprepared, for the organization of leisure,cultural or educational activities.
These facilities are intended to offer properly conditioned places for youth associations, Youth Councils, City Councils of the Community and other non-governmental organizations and youth groups to carry out activities and provide services to youth.
The Direction and Management is entrusted to the Department of Family and Equal Opportunities through the General Directorate of Youth.
Services we Provide
Covered canteen.
Gender specific sanitary services.
Gender-differentiated toilets and showers.
Infirmary equipped with first aid kit.
Electric power supply.
Hot water.
Drinking water.
Cleaning and maintenance of communal facilities.
Garbage collection service.
Sports facilities.
Activities and workshops area.
Campfire area.
Parking area.
In order to protect the environment, there are services for the disposal of batteries, as well as containers for the selective disposal of waste.
Citizens' Rights
Use of the facilities and dependencies under the conditions established in the regulations and internal operating norms of the camp.
Make a reservation.
Enjoy comfortable facilities: tents with insulating mesh and a mattress, and a sufficient number of toilets/showers.
Practicing sports and recreational activities. Identify the authorities and personnel in the service of the Public Administrations under whose responsibility the procedures are processed.
To be treated with respect and courtesy by the authorities and officials, who shall facilitate the exercise of their rights and the fulfillment of their obligations.
Submit suggestions and complaints deemed appropriate through:
– The book of suggestions and complaints.
– A letter addressed to the section chief of the province where the facility is located, or delivered to the Inquiry and Suggestion Box.
– The virtual mailbox for suggestions and complaints of the Junta de Castilla y León:
Forms of Participation in the improvement of services
- Suggestions mailbox.
- Service evaluation surveys.
- Contact of the group leaders with the section chief of the province where the facility is located or with the person in charge of the camp.
Our Commitments
Possibility of using the facility from September 1 to June 14 in accordance with option “A”, always on weekends or holiday periods, when conditions allow it, and with a minimum occupancy of 20 people.
Possibility of using the facility from June 15 to August 30.
Lodging capacity for 250 people:
– 50 tents for six people.
– 2 barracks for twenty-four people.
– Equipped with a mattress and a mattress cover.
Accommodation: full board for 250 people during the established schedules.
Covered dining area.
Pest control treatments and legionella prevention.
Infirmary equipped with first aid kit.
A building with toilets, sinks and showers differentiated for each sex. Laundry room.
Utilities for the correct use and utilization of the facility: electric power, hot water, drinking water.
Rendering of garbage collection services. Daily cleaning service of public facilities.
Areas for joint activities consisting of a campfire area, 2 large tents, and outdoor spaces for activities and workshops.
Possibility of carrying out sports activities as there is a multi-sports court with portable elements for handball, basketball and volleyball. Municipal swimming pool 100 meters from the facility.
All suggestions and complaints will be answered in writing to the concerned party within a maximum period of 15 days.
Presentation of the findings of the service quality evaluation surveys at the end of the opening period.
We review these Commitments through:
- Results from satisfaction surveys.
- Evolution of the number of complaints.
- Evolution of the number of suggestions.
- Applications rejected due to insufficient capacity.
- Percentage of camp occupancy.
- Percentage of groups that return to thecamp network.